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Saturday, 18 January 2014

Quinoa Pots

The Savoury Option


Lime Juice
Cottage Cheese
Salt and Pepper


1. Cook your quinoa (it usually takes around 15-20 minutes in boiling water) and then chill.

2. Really finely slice your pepper, tomato, coriander and cucumber.

3. Place your finely chopped veg, lime juice, quinoa and salt and pepper in a bowl and mix thoroughly.

4. Transfer this into your preferred serving cup and top with cottage cheese and a piece of tomato and coriander.

The Sweet Option


Coconut milk
Frozen berries
Chia seeds
Goji berries


1. Place your can of coconut milk in the fridge and leave to chill overnight.

2. Take the coconut milk cans out of the refrigerator and flip over vertically on the opposite end it was stored (this will allow you to pour off the liquid part of the coconut milk leaving only the milk fat).

3. Cook and the chill your quinoa as above.

4. Mix your quinoa with the remaining coconut milk, a tsp. of chia seeds and tsp. of goji berries.

5. Place in your serving cup and then leave to chill in the fridge.

6. In a blender mix up your yoghurt and frozen berries.

7. Place this on top of the coconut quinoa once set and then top with some fresh blueberries.

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