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Sunday, 12 January 2014

Coconut Milk

I know what you may be thinking, isn’t that fattening? Yes, it is high in fat…BUT this type of fat is great and can be used to replace other fats in your diet. The fat contained in coconut meat/milk is mostly MCT (medium chain triglyceride), which is digested completely differently than standard fats in our diet (a.k.a. long chain fatty acids/triglycerides); and are more easily used as energy and broken down by the body.

Coconut milk ice cream is my new favorite treat.

Just because this ice cream is a healthier version with no processed ingredients, rich in medium chain triglycerides, easier to digest, and very allergy free friendly (dairy free) this should still be a treat, use some moderation because it’s calorically dense as well. Great for dinner parties topped with pistachios.

Ice Cream Ingredients:

2 cans of organic full fat coconut milk (use full fat, don’t be afraid! It will taste so much better!)
1 banana, frozen
4 large dates, pitted (sugar free option)
Ice cubes (if not using an ice cream maker).
1-2 tsp. vanilla extract
Dash of cinnamon, optional
Pinch of sea salt
Handful Desiccated coconut


1. Chill the full fat coconut milk cans overnight.

2. Take the coconut milk cans out of the refrigerator and flip over vertically on the opposite end it was stored (this will allow you to pour off the liquid part of the coconut milk leaving only the milk fat).

3. Pour the liquid that will be at the now top of the can into a separate bowl.

4. Scrape from the bottom of the can the remaining milk fat in the can. This is what you will be using for the recipe.

5. Combine all ingredients into a high speed blender or food processor and blend until thick and creamy.

Blender Method:
6. Use FROZEN bananas and ice along with the remaining ingredients to have an instant frozen treat.

7. You may also put in the freezer for about 30min-1hr to “harden” up if this texture is still too soft.

Ice Cream Machine Method:
8. If you have one, you can use it and get the best results. After blending, you simply add the mixture to your ice cream maker and let it do the work for you! Note: you don’t need the ice cubes in this method.

Blender and Whisk Method:
9. After blending all the ingredients, pour the mixture into a freezer-safe container and whisk/stir every 30 to 60 minutes to avoid it becoming a frozen cube. This whole process can take up to 3 hours, but is well worth it! Note: you don’t need the ice cubes in this method.

10. For the best result and texture, serve after making.

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